Mooberry Book Manager User Roles

Mooberry Book Manager creates two new User Roles in WordPress: Librarian and Master Librarian.

These User Roles allow you to add users to your WordPress website that only have access to Mooberry Book Manager’s Books. They will also have access to the Media Library, in order to upload covers for books.

The difference between the Librarian Role and the Master Librarian Role:


  • Can add books
  • Can view all books
  • Can only edit or delete books they added

Master Librarians:

  • Can do what Librians can
  • Can edit or delete any book

To set up a user in the Librarian or Master Librarian role, use the WordPress Dashboard Users page and select the desired role from the list. For more information about Users and User Roles, please consult the WordPress documentation on the Users Screen and on Roles and Capabilities.

To allow users to have Librarian privileges as well as other WordPress privileges, see the Standard WordPress User Roles.

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