Importing and Exporting Books

There are multiple ways to import and export your books with Mooberry Book Manager. They are all accessed by going to Mooberry Book Manager Settings -> Import/Export.

Import from Novelist

If you have used the Novelist plugin, you can import your book information from that plugin into Mooberry Book Manager.

Import Books from CSV

If you have lots of books to add to your website, you can put all the book information into a CSV (comma-separated values) file. The easiest way to create a CSV file is with Excel or Numbers or Google Sheets.

The CSV file must be formatted in a specific way. Please see this article for more information.

If you have the Custom Fields extension, and your custom fields are in the CVS file, they will be imported as well.

If you have the Multi-Author extension, and your authors are in the CSV file, they will be imported as well.

Export Books to CSV

If you are moving your books to another website, you can use this to export all your book information into a CSV file. Then you can go to your new site and import from the CSV file.

If you have the Custom Fields extension, your custom fields will be exported as well.

If you have the Multi-Author extension, your authors will be exported as well.

Import Books

This is the original import function that Mooberry Book Manager included. It is mostly kept for backwards compatibility, in case you have exported books from a site using the original export function.  This import function uses a format that is not easily read by humans. 

Export Books

This is the original export function that Mooberry Book Manager included. It is mostly kept for backwards compatibility. This exports the books in a format that is not easily read by humans. If you need to export your book information, it is suggested that you use the Export Books to CSV mentioned above.

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