Taxonomy Book Grids

Taxonomy Book Grids are special Book Grids that Mooberry Book Manager automatically generates. You do not need to create a page for them.

Taxonomy Book Grids are Book Grids for a single, specific taxonomy item. For example, if one of your Genres is “Contemporary” then Mooberry Book Manager will automatically create a Taxonomy Book Grid for just the books in the Contemporary Genre. For more information about Taxonomies, see  About Taxonomies.

Taxonomy Book Grids are always sorted by title, with the exception of series. Taxonomy Book Grids for a series are ordered by the series ordinal. If you need to specify a different sort order, you will need to create a page and add a Book Grid to that page.

To access these Taxonomy Book Grids, you have to get the slug for the series, genre, tag, editor, illustrator, or cover artist. To find the slug, click on the Books menu and choose the corresponding page: Series, Genre, Tag, Editor, Illustrator, or Cover Artist. In the list, find the slug for the item you want in the list on the right. Here is an example of the Genre Taxonomy page:

The format for the URL for Taxonomy Book Grids is:{taxonomy-url}/{slug}

Where  {slug} is the specific item (ie, contemporary) in the list on the taxonomy page, and {taxonomy-url} is the value set on the Book Grids Settings Page.

By default, Mooberry Book Manager uses these values for the  {taxonomy-url}:

So for example, if you had a “Contemporary” genre with a slug of “contemporary” and you haven’t changed Mooberry Book Manager’s default settings, the URL would be:

NOTE: There is one case where these special URLs will not work: if the Permalinks settings for your WordPress site are set to “Plain”. In this case, you will not be able to use the URLs as formatted above.

You should change your Permalinks setting if it is set to Plain. This is a good practice not just for Mooberry Book Manager, but for WordPress websites in general. When you use the Plain setting the URLs use numbers to determine what page to display. This means that search engines like Google can’t use your URL to determine if your page should be returned as a result. In other words, setting your Permalinks setting to something other than Plain will help search engines find your site. That’s a good thing!

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